Jul 29, 2019 | Configuration Guide, Malware Patrol Services
Palo Alto MineMeld is an extensible Threat Intelligence processing framework and the multi-tool of threat indicator feeds. MineMeld can be used to collect, aggregate, and filter indicators from a variety of sources make them available for consumption to peers or the...
Mar 31, 2019 | Malware, Malware Patrol Services
Few topics in current cybersecurity generate as much press as command and control servers (C2s). They enable the cybercrime that often affects companies and individuals far outside the IT industry.
Mar 15, 2019 | Configuration Guide, Malware Patrol Services
Malware Patrol’s #1 goal is to protect customers from malware and ransomware infections. These days, this can mean blocking mainstream domains. Consequently, our customers report potential false positives for sites like docs(.)google(.)com, drive(.)google(.)com,...
Feb 3, 2019 | Malware Patrol Services, Phishing
Cybercrime steals an estimated $600 billion from the global economy every year. In the next several years we can expect that number to reach well into the trillions.Phishing and spear phishing open most cybercrime attacks. At this point it’s as old as cybercrime...
Jan 18, 2019 | Malware Patrol Services, Phishing
In cybersecurity the familiar is dangerous. Because of this, we must qualify what we “already know†and refresh our knowledge. Without this attention, cracks in the system grow until huge threats can fit through and shatter that complacency, along with business...
Sep 26, 2018 | Configuration Guide, Malware Patrol Services
Malware Patrol provides block lists compatible with SpamAssassin. “Apache SpamAssassin is the #1 Open Source anti-spam platform giving system administrators a filter to classify email and block spam (unsolicited bulk email). It uses a robust scoring...